Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome To Rock Bottom: Population One

Jeremiah; the world's cutest baby (only because his
siblings are no longer babies!).
On March 20, 2012 at 5:03 p.m. my husband and I welcomed our 2nd biological baby into the world!  Jeremiah was 19.75 inches long, 7.4 pounds, and has been growing every since.  He's a good eater!  Hopefully all of that breastfeeding will help some body fat come off of me!  We are experiencing the typical "new baby" adjustments such as sleep deprivation, new schedules (or lack there of), balancing attention with all of the other kids, and of course the overwhelming joy of a new life in our home.

My main focus in life is always my family.  My life is dedicated to them.  However, Crossfit, now blogging, and an occasional afternoon out keep me sane.  So, while the older 5 kids do school, our toddler's in front of the television, and the newborn naps, I'm trying to get some writing in.

In the midst of all these blessings and often times chaos, I realize that I think I've officially hit "rock bottom".  I'm healing from the birth of our son so I have to wait at least 6 weeks to get back in the gym.  Which is okay because I'm so sleep deprived the idea of a WOD right now may be close to one of the last things my body wants to do.  I'm not working out and now that there's no baby filling up my body I'm left with what's left over; stretch marks, extra skin, varicose veins and of course lovely fat.  I feel terrible, I look awful, I'm tired and overwhelmed.  I think these are all normal feelings to have after a new baby but hopefully this is as bad as my body will get.  I think, and even hope, this is my rock bottom.

So what the heck do I do now?  Well, I'm enjoying my gorgeous new baby, getting help where I can, and my new double stroller arrived today so I can start going for walks with my two littlest boys.  I'm back to Paleo with my diet so for right now I feel like I'm doing all I can.  I am losing weight, body fat I hope, and don't want to rush my healing.  I am eager to return to the gym when my body is ready.  I admit, though, that I wonder how much progress this time off will cost me.  Don't get me wrong - my baby is totally worth it - but I think it's okay for me to be a little bummed that I'll be starting over on a lot of things when I return.

Maybe you've just had a baby too or have reached some other kind of rock bottom; spouse is complaining about your appearance, your wedding ring doesn't fit anymore, you don't fit into one seat on an airplane, you get winded going up the stairs...whatever it happens to be; Welcome to Rock Bottom.  I'm Aimee, the Mayor here.  The first step to leaving is to admit that you are here.  It can only get better and we'll do it together.

Rock Bottome